Kelabu Papau (pictured), whose earthly manefestation is Diard’s Trogon - Harpactes Diardi, is the son of Jimbun Bulan who looks after the path of the Sambar deer, Kachendai Bunga Ringkai, who settles at the borderland near the offerings (Jimbun Bulan ngemata ka enturan jalai gambang, Kechendai Bunga Ringkai, Berindik di punggai Jaa Pemangkang). He is married to the sixth daughter of Sengalang Burong, Endu Moa Puchong Pengabas Pinggai Besai Nadai Meretas.
He is the people of Empelai Tinggi Bandir, The people of Nyelutong tree, situated opposite the Kayu Ukir tree (Orang Empelai Tinggi Bandir, Orang di nyelutong ke dibandong kayu ukir).
Praise name (Ensumbar or Julok):
Fiery ash, which sets fire to the ridge of a house (Lachau Buntu Papau Nyenabong, bejulok Sintau Kemarau Hari, Rendang-rendang mandang ka dagang nengeri china. Kedua bali nama iya Apu Mau Nulang Perabong)
Special possession:
Luop charm (tied to a boat to render it invisible) to cover the boat’s bow; Sebangki api (charm that gives instant strength) for cutting the edge of a shield. (Ngembuan luop ambi ka tutop kemudi bangkong, sebangki api ka pengetis kaki terabai rimbong)
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